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Medusa : The Awakening

This is a continuance of a book I wrote and published called ;The Return of Maleficent.

In that story Maleficent is resurrected in present day by the 'Good Fairies', Flores, Fauna, and Mary. They are now considered Magic Royalty.

Flores is Queen of all things fae.

They must stop the sleeping curse, and redeem Maleficent, But of course the plan doesn't go that way.

Once the dust is cleared and the score is settled Maleficent is redeemed, and only one Fairy survived, Fauna, making her the Queen of all fae.

The reason I have chosen to write stories about 'villains' Is because I never saw them as that. I saw women who were ahead of their time in fashion and in their approach to life.

What if The #metoo movement and 'slut shaming' had been around when Medusa was violated? What if Maleficent hadn't had powers and was just a normal girl, living a quiet, peaceful life?

I hope through these books I can at least try to give them a different narrative.

Never forget happiness and joy come from within. It is a free gift everyone deserves. Everyone deserves happiness not at the expense of anyone else losing anything, but at the expense of gaining everything.

I hope you enjoy the story and thanks again for taking the time out of your day to read my books.

Happy Reading !!




Fauna was shocked she was in the presence of a goddess, but she still didn't understand how or why this was happening. She was unaware if her sister had ever encountered this in her reign.

Athena had said she had much to atone for. She spoke to her then.

"What do you mean when you say you have much to atone for? You are a goddess surely your will is surpasses all. You are the goddess of wisdom everything you do is based on calculations and perfect planning. "

The goddess looked at her then. She smiled and Fauna felt blinded by the goddesses beauty. Her Roman styled dress made her seem otherworldly.

" You are a kind." He sharp gray eyes looking Fauna over. "It is in your nature. I can see why you are Queen of the fae. I agree with every word that was spoken, but some would say that I am prideful, spoiled and jealous, like my father. My father has been missing for some time." Fauna felt her sadness, her loss. She continued. "Over the centuries I have won battles in my father's name. Conquered kingdoms and crushed my enemies beneath my feet, never shedding a tear, or thinking twice for their loved ones welfare. Every stroke of my sword, every successful strategy has been carefully calculated painstakingly so, looking back, now that the fighting is over and the age of the gods long gone. I have had much time to reflect on my life and through that reflection I can say that there have been very few who were loyal only to me and me alone. One was named Medusa. Daughter of the old ones, sister to the Gorgans."

Fauna took a breath. This was all real. They stood in the cave as the fire roared. Fauna didn't mind. She loved nature. It was her element. She knew Medusa's story and the part Athena played, she just thought it was just that a story. She smiled at the irony of her not believing in the Greek gods when so few believed in fae. She had actually thought she would be meeting a magical creature on this beach today but instead it was a Greek goddess who needed her help. they were both looking out at the sea it had grown dark. quickly. Fauna looked on As Athena turned her back to the scenery . she held out her right hand and a gold dagger materialized inside of it. She used the sharp blade and sliced the palm of her left hand. Her golden blood flowed and she placed her hand upon the stone cave.

There was a flash of lightening and a rumble of thunder. The ground beneath her feet shook. She watched as the back wall of the cave grinded open. Athena looked back at her then, walked forward and went into the entrance, stopping once she reached the threshold. Fauna knew then she wanted her to follow her. She complied. The cave was dimly lit and very narrow.They both walked hunched over. Fauna was reminded of her husband when she had him accompany her to awaken Maleficent. He had been terrified. She was feeling that way now. Greek gods were known for their trickery as well as their gauntlets.

They came to another stone door and once again Athena sliced her hand and smeared the blood upon the stone. It did as the first had and slowly opened.

The cave opened up then. Fauna's breath was taken away. She was surrounded by treasure, and not just any treasure. The treasures of the gods. The heaps of gold and jewels sparkled and gleamed, making the cave seem brighter than it was. She slowly turned around assessing it all, and feelings it's vibrant energy course through her. It was unlike anything she had ever felt. She noticed the different suits of armor situated inside the stone wall making them look as if they were guarding this place of wonder.

Athena spoke then, "Armour and shield of Achilles." Then she pointed to a gold helmet that sat on a red satin pillow in the center of a white marble pillar. "And that is the cap of invisibility."

Fauna was amazed. "This is your home?" She asked as she walked over to a huge bronze shield that appeared to be fashioned out of cowhides.

"Nay, this is a place my family keeps their keepsakes."

Fauna walked on until she saw another suit of Armour.

"This is yours?" She asked the goddess, already knowing the answer. The lightening bolts that were on the helmet and chest plate gave it away.

Athena stood beside her then. Both of them looking at the immaculate metal.

"My father gave me this hours after he created me. I wore it in every battle and I won. Later, he gave me something very powerful, but I didn't know how to truly harness it..." She trailed off then. Fauna saw it. The goddesses sadness. She had disguised it well out on the beach Fauna noted. She did not hide it now. Fauna felt it wash over her as well. Athena seemed upset she had shown that emotion and it was gone. She continued. "I did something I must correct and only you can help me Fauna." She told her as she took a step forward and grabbed her shield from the display.

Fauna followed her to the center of the chamber where an ivory alter sat atop a large, glittery mound of gold. There was something atop it. Athena stood beside her placing her arm on the small of Fauna's back as they ascended the staircase together. Fauna was in awe of the sight she saw before her. It was the decapitated body of Medusa. Even in death her body still held a preserving effect.

She placed her shield where Medusa's head should have been. Fauna saw her tears then.

"It has been centuries since I have seen or heard from my father. I feel lost, and alone. All this time with nothing to fight has left my mind to wonder about things I thought were acceptable. I listen to the people now. Women have a voice. They have always had a voice. I have a father who has seduced many women willingly or unwillingly. He is a powerful god. I think about what he did in the past to those innocent creatures and his wife Hera. I hear the mortal women call to arms. They must bear a burden and I realize Medusa was raped by my Uncle no less, and because of my godly pride and fear of my father and uncle I chose to make a beautiful, loyal creature into something for my gain. I turned her into my weapon for destruction. I turned her into a monster! I had her defeated by a demi-god for my own gain. I was so damned selfish! " Athena wiped her tears away then. She hadn't expected to the goddess to be this open with her. She continued. " I have wronged her, and I must make it right. That is where you come in dear Fauna."

"Me? I don't understand. You are a goddess. You turned her into that, surely you can change her back."

"Alas, it isn't that simple. I no longer possess those powers. My father took them away from me when he left Olympus. I need your magic wand and a drop of your blood."

"And then what?"

"And then Medusa is changed back into her once beautiful self. You let her live in America in one of those lovely fae compounds you've built. I just want to right the wrongs I have done. Maybe..."

"That will bring your father back." Fauna finished for her, already knowing.

She nodded her head 'yes'. "This is the final one. It must work."

There was a long pause.

"And if it doesn't?"

"Then at least I have given her something she never truly had. A life filled with love..."

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